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It turns out that the famous "Elephant Man" did not, in fact, actually have elephantiasis, the disease characterized by acute swelling of the limbs and caused most often by a parasitic worm transmitted by mosquitoes.
What the elephant man did have was some of the classic elephantiasis symptoms, and those aren't pretty. In fact, they're pretty ugly.
The parasitic worms that cause elephantiasis hang out in the lymph system, which controls the immune response and fluid retention — hence the swelling. That swelling most often occurs in the legs, but it can also affect the arms, breasts or even the genitals, causing them to swell and deform to enormous sizes.
Don't get the wrong idea, guys: in men, the scrotum can swell so much that the penis can retract inside the swollen, thickened skin. Now, that just sounds unpleasant.


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