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Asthma Prevention tips

Prevention of asthma should be done immediately if we have family who contracted asthma. This is because asthma is one of the infectious diseases. So if it is not immediately prevented, anyone can be infected.
Cara Pencegahan Asma Prevention of asthma can be done if the trigger factors are known and can be avoided. The attacks triggered by exercise can be avoided by taking medication before exercise.
Every patient should try to take action to prevent asthma. But when asthma symptoms arise it is necessary antipenyakit asthma medication to relieve symptoms and further maintained that the patient free from asthma symptoms. Among the ways of prevention of asthma are:
  • Maintaining Health
Maintaining the health of a business that is inseparable from the treatment of asthma. If the patient is weak and malnourished, are not only susceptible to disease but it also means it's easy to get asthma attacks and their complications.
Efforts to maintain health which include eating a good nutritional value, drinking lots, rest, recreation and exercise accordingly. Patients are encouraged to drink lots except where prohibited doctors, suffering from other diseases such as heart disease or kidney weight.
Many drink will dilute the phlegm in the respiratory tract, so that the sputum was easily removed. Conversely if the person is not drinking, sputum will be very thick, wiry and hard issued.
In severe asthma attacks many people are dehydrated. It is caused by excessive sweating, not drinking and evaporation of excess fluid from the respiratory tract due to breathing fast and deep.
  • Maintaining Environmental Cleanliness
Environment in which people live day-to-day influence the onset of asthma attacks. The state of the house as very important. The house should not be moist, adequate ventilation and sunlight.
Drainage must be current. The bedroom is a place that needs special attention. We recommend a minimum bedrooms filled with stuff to avoid house dust.
No pets, cigarette smoke, mosquito spray, hair spray and other asthma trigger, because it's one way to prevent asthma is to avoid all that. Work environment is also a concern especially when clearly there is a relationship between work environment with asthma disease.
  • Avoiding triggers Factor
Common allergens that cause asthma are dust mites so how to avoid house dust should be understood. Other allergens such as cats, dogs, birds, need attention and also keep in mind that animals are not suspected as cockroaches and rats can cause asthma.
Respiratory viral infections often trigger asthma. Asthma sufferers should steer clear of those who are stricken with influenza. Also advised to avoid crowded places or crowded.
Avoid excessive fatigue, rain, extreme temperatures replacement, running around chasing public transport or an exhausting exercise. If it will work, do warm-up exercises first and recommended taking drugs to prevent asthma attacks.
Substances that stimulate the airways are like cigarette smoke, car exhaust, gasoline fumes, paint fumes or vapors of chemicals and other dirty air should be avoided.
Notice of drugs taken, particularly drugs for the treatment of hypertension and heart (beta-blockers), antirheumatic drugs (aspirin, and the like). Dye (tartrazine) and food preservatives (benzoic acid) can also cause asthma.
    Gambar Cara Pencegahan Asma
  • Using Asthma Medications
In a mild asthma attack frequency moreover rarely, patients may take medications bronchodilators, either as tablets, capsules and syrups. But if you want to be asthma symptoms quickly disappear, obviously aerosol better.
In more severe attacks, when they may be able to increase the dose of the drug, it is often better to combine two or three different drugs. For example, at first with an aerosol or tablets / syrup sympathomimetic (relief of symptoms) and then combined with theophylline and if not also disappeared recently added corticosteroids.
In chronic asthma when the situation is under control can be attempted prophylactic medications asthma. Purpose of preventive asthma medications are in addition to preventing asthma attacks is also expected that the use of bronchodilator drugs and systemic steroids can be reduced and even if it may be discontinued.
Sources: asma.web.id


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