Prevention of tuberculosis should be done when one of our relatives there who contracted tuberculosis. Because TB is one of the infectious diseases that can be transmitted through sputum TB patients. Besides foods containing TB germs can also cause TB disease spread.
TB preventive measures can sometimes be forgotten by most people. If anyone has tested positive for latent tuberculosis infection, your doctor may suggest taking medication to reduce the risk of active tuberculosis. The only type of infectious TB is active varieties, as it affects the lungs. So, if it can prevent TB from becoming active, the patient will not transmit TB to others.
With TB Prevention Protect Yourself and Others
If a person has active tuberculosis, the first thing to note is to keep germs out of yourself. It usually takes a few weeks of treatment with the drug before it no longer contagious tuberculosis. Follow these tips to help keep and prevention of TB disease to friends and family of bacterial infections:
In countries where TB is more common, infants vaccinated in preventing severe tuberculosis in children. BCG vaccine is not recommended for general use because it is not very effective in adults and it causes false-positive results on skin tests.
Strong immune system may also be a way to prevent the body against TB germs. With a healthy lifestyle, our immune system is expected to be quite strong. Although the TB germs, still will last so it will not cause symptoms.
Healthy lifestyle can we make it a habit to eat nutritious food, personal hygiene and the environment, the sun can get into the house so it is not damp, and the circulation of a good home. Pressure stress can also affect our immune system. Therefore, mental health and soul should get attention in order to get more leverage TB prevention.
From various sources
TB preventive measures can sometimes be forgotten by most people. If anyone has tested positive for latent tuberculosis infection, your doctor may suggest taking medication to reduce the risk of active tuberculosis. The only type of infectious TB is active varieties, as it affects the lungs. So, if it can prevent TB from becoming active, the patient will not transmit TB to others.
With TB Prevention Protect Yourself and Others
If a person has active tuberculosis, the first thing to note is to keep germs out of yourself. It usually takes a few weeks of treatment with the drug before it no longer contagious tuberculosis. Follow these tips to help keep and prevention of TB disease to friends and family of bacterial infections:
- Stay home. Do not go to work or school or sleep in a room with other people during the first few weeks of treatment for active tuberculosis.
- Ventilate the room. TB germs spread more easily in small closed spaces where air does not move. If ventilation is still lacking, open windows and use a fan to blow air in the room outside.
- Shut up wearing masks. Use a mask to cover your mouth whenever the diagnosis of tuberculosis tb is an effective preventive measure. Do not forget to dispose of it properly
- Spitting should be at a certain place that has been disinfected (soapy water)
- BCG is given to infants aged 3-14 months
- Avoid the cold
- Pursuing the sunshine and fresh air into the bed to taste
- Drying mattresses, pillows, and bed especially early morning
- All items are used so the patient should be washed separately and should not be used by others
- The food should be high in carbohydrates and high in protein
In countries where TB is more common, infants vaccinated in preventing severe tuberculosis in children. BCG vaccine is not recommended for general use because it is not very effective in adults and it causes false-positive results on skin tests.
Strong immune system may also be a way to prevent the body against TB germs. With a healthy lifestyle, our immune system is expected to be quite strong. Although the TB germs, still will last so it will not cause symptoms.
Healthy lifestyle can we make it a habit to eat nutritious food, personal hygiene and the environment, the sun can get into the house so it is not damp, and the circulation of a good home. Pressure stress can also affect our immune system. Therefore, mental health and soul should get attention in order to get more leverage TB prevention.
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