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Prevention of Lung Cancer

Prevention of Lung Cancer done so that we avoided from lung cancer. Lung cancer is a disease of uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung. This growth may lead to metastasis, invasion of surrounding tissue and infiltration beyond the lungs.

Pencegahan Kanker Paru-paru Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world that can affect any person and difficult to treat. That's why we should try to prevent this terrible disease. Fortunately, lung cancer is also one type of cancer that can be prevented. By avoiding certain risk factors for lung cancer prevention can significantly reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer.
Symptoms that occur in lung cancer depends on the location of the growth and the spread of tumors. Many cases of lung cancer shows no symptoms at first. Here are the symptoms of lung cancer: Start coughing for weeks and sometimes up to chronical that voice becomes hoarse.
No appetite, leading to weight loss. Pain felt in the chest, followed by a cold sweat at night. When breathing chest tightness. Sputum visible patches because it has been mixed with the blood.
To diagnose lung cancer other than by looking at the symptoms and physical examination will also need to do further tests, such as: Examination radiology (X-rays) of the chest, to determine the development of tumors. Sputum cytology (sputum sitology), analyzing cells in sputum. CAT scan of the chest, Bronchoscopy, for large mengetahi and location of the tumor biopsy needle can detect lung tumors and the outside of the lungs. Can mengdiagnosa 80% of cancer patients. Biopsy tissue (lifting and analyzing the affected tissue). Thoracosentesis (removing fluid from the chest cavity).
Some preventive measures lung cancer that can be done to avoid lung cancer are:
Avoiding smoking , and if already stopped smoking, because smoking is a major cause of lung cancer participated avoid sucking smoke (secondhand smoke) for those who work in industries that produce carcinogenic pollutants must pay attention to health and safety.
Exercise regularly to maintain immunity. Perform regular checks, especially for high risk, in order to be detected early.
In addition to medical treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy or surgery. Treatment of lung cancer can be helped by using medicinal herbs.
Similarly, articles on the prevention of lung cancer may be useful.


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