Diabetes mellitus or commonly called the disease "Diabetes" or "Blood Sugar Disease" is now a disease "a million people" ....
Why is that? This is often caused by Life Style Modern / Modern Lifestyle accustomed to eating Fast Food, Fried fried, Savory flavors / fatty foods, lack of fruit and vegetables ...
Besides, people generally assume that the Diabetes disease just because of too much eating and drinking a sugary sweet, so as to prevent and treat fairly with diet foods and beverages that contain a lot of sweet or sugary carbohydrates (rice and the like) ... so it is not considered dangerous ...
Actually the medical illness called diabetes mellitus as the "Mother Of Deases" ... "Mother Of Kinds of Disease ..."
Why so named? ... Because if someone is suffering from diabetes, meaning their blood sugar contaminated by spread throughout other important organs and organ damage ...
Any organ can be destroyed? ...
First is the brain ... people will be suffering from dementia / forgetful ...
Both are eye ... people will suffer from myopic eyes to blind ...
Third kidneys, people with kidney failure and nedd dialysis ...
Fourth genitals, for men will suffer from impotence ....
And many others more ...
Is it true that treatment with diet drink enough and eat the sweet sweet or that could turn into glucose in the blood? ..... To my knowledge the answer is not right!!
Diet will only keep the disease is not getting worse and delay the damaged organ damage ....
Actually, what to do? ...
What should be done is that he should treat organ functioning pancreas produces insulin to process sugar metabolism in the blood into energy (glucose glukogen processed into energy needed for muscular activity, etc.) ...
What drug pangkreas? ... Many, but choose one that is not chemically, for organic ... that does not produce toxic waste that will damage Lever and Kidney ...
Herbs are frequently used to treat diseases such as diabetes leaves; herb decoction of guava leaves, turmeric and white corn dryers etc actually have the effect of reducing blood sugar levels, do not fix pancreas!!!
To improve the Pancreas, serious efforts should be made, which in addition to a strict diet to foods and beverages that contain sugar and carbohydrates, also have a regular exercise under the sun in the morning between 6-8 hours, and consume supelmen containing omega 3 (fish oil Inside, sunclorela, crypto, salmon, etc.) ...
Regular exercise every day under the sun in the morning will absorb Far Infra Red Rays (Biofir) are very useful to help the body metaolisme very effectively) ... will help oroses repair and manufacture of new cells of damaged organs ....
Likewise 0Mega 3 will assist in the formation of new cells metabolism of damaged organs and protects the organs of our body cell nucleus ...
Strict diet will help lower blood sugar levels so that the body's metabolism becomes more fluent daqn reduce contamination of sugar in the damaged organs ....
So all you have to do is:
Make positive thinking; Regular exercise / intense sunlight in the morning between the hours of 6-8 am; strict diet foods and drinks containing sugar / carbohydrate; Eating and drinking supelmen contains Omega 3 high; Gradually reduce chemical drugs and replace it with supelmen herbs in the correct dosage ...
Of all the things mentioned above, in my experience, the effects of regular exercise in the sun in the morning is a very easy, cheap and effective, does not contain any risk, but it strengthens the heart and lungs, ...
Good luck ....
Why is that? This is often caused by Life Style Modern / Modern Lifestyle accustomed to eating Fast Food, Fried fried, Savory flavors / fatty foods, lack of fruit and vegetables ...
Besides, people generally assume that the Diabetes disease just because of too much eating and drinking a sugary sweet, so as to prevent and treat fairly with diet foods and beverages that contain a lot of sweet or sugary carbohydrates (rice and the like) ... so it is not considered dangerous ...
Actually the medical illness called diabetes mellitus as the "Mother Of Deases" ... "Mother Of Kinds of Disease ..."
Why so named? ... Because if someone is suffering from diabetes, meaning their blood sugar contaminated by spread throughout other important organs and organ damage ...
Any organ can be destroyed? ...
First is the brain ... people will be suffering from dementia / forgetful ...
Both are eye ... people will suffer from myopic eyes to blind ...
Third kidneys, people with kidney failure and nedd dialysis ...
Fourth genitals, for men will suffer from impotence ....
And many others more ...
Is it true that treatment with diet drink enough and eat the sweet sweet or that could turn into glucose in the blood? ..... To my knowledge the answer is not right!!
Diet will only keep the disease is not getting worse and delay the damaged organ damage ....
Actually, what to do? ...
What should be done is that he should treat organ functioning pancreas produces insulin to process sugar metabolism in the blood into energy (glucose glukogen processed into energy needed for muscular activity, etc.) ...
What drug pangkreas? ... Many, but choose one that is not chemically, for organic ... that does not produce toxic waste that will damage Lever and Kidney ...
Herbs are frequently used to treat diseases such as diabetes leaves; herb decoction of guava leaves, turmeric and white corn dryers etc actually have the effect of reducing blood sugar levels, do not fix pancreas!!!
To improve the Pancreas, serious efforts should be made, which in addition to a strict diet to foods and beverages that contain sugar and carbohydrates, also have a regular exercise under the sun in the morning between 6-8 hours, and consume supelmen containing omega 3 (fish oil Inside, sunclorela, crypto, salmon, etc.) ...
Regular exercise every day under the sun in the morning will absorb Far Infra Red Rays (Biofir) are very useful to help the body metaolisme very effectively) ... will help oroses repair and manufacture of new cells of damaged organs ....
Likewise 0Mega 3 will assist in the formation of new cells metabolism of damaged organs and protects the organs of our body cell nucleus ...
Strict diet will help lower blood sugar levels so that the body's metabolism becomes more fluent daqn reduce contamination of sugar in the damaged organs ....
So all you have to do is:
Make positive thinking; Regular exercise / intense sunlight in the morning between the hours of 6-8 am; strict diet foods and drinks containing sugar / carbohydrate; Eating and drinking supelmen contains Omega 3 high; Gradually reduce chemical drugs and replace it with supelmen herbs in the correct dosage ...
Of all the things mentioned above, in my experience, the effects of regular exercise in the sun in the morning is a very easy, cheap and effective, does not contain any risk, but it strengthens the heart and lungs, ...
Good luck ....
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