Beware of Lung infections

Lung infections are also called Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung caused by infection with bacteria, viruses and fungi. In oranng adults the most common cause is due to bacteria, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Legionella, Hemophilus influenzae.

Waspadai Infeksi Paru-paru While the virus, which is normally the influenza virus, chicken-pox (chickenpox). There is also a fungus-like organisms that Mycoplasma pneumoniae (especially in children and young adults) and certain fungi.
The most common cause of lung infections is the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. In the shape of a lung infection, the onset is usually chills, fever suddenly and production of rust-colored sputum. The infection spreads into the blood at 20% -30% of cases, and if it happens, 20% -30% of these patients died.
They are The Vulnerable
As for how micro-organisms to the lungs either through inhalation (inhalation) microorganisms from contaminated air, blood flow, of infection in other organs, and migration (movement) of organisms directly from an infection near the lungs.
Those who are susceptible (susceptible) lung infections generally are drinkers, heavy smokers, diabetics, people with heart failure, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, disorders of the immune system due to certain drugs (cancer patients, organ transplant recipients), and disruption of the system immunity due to disease (AIDS).
Lung Infection can also occur after surgery (particularly abdominal surgery), or injury (especially chest injury), as a result of shallow breathing, impaired ability to cough and mucus stuck. Which is often the cause is Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, Hemophilus influenzae, or a combination of all three.
Lung infection in adults is most often caused by bacteria, the most common bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus). Pneumonia in children is most often caused by a respiratory virus, and the peak occurs at age 2-3 years. At school age, pneumonia is most often caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
Lung infections are grouped based on a number of different systems. One of them is by way of obtaining, divided into two groups, namely "community-acquired" (acquired outside health institutions) and "hospital-acquired" (acquired in hospitals or other health facilities).
Lung infections acquired outside health institutions most commonly caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. Pneumonia acquired in hospitals tend to be more serious because while undergoing treatment at the hospital, the patient's body's defense system against infection are often impaired. In addition, the possibility of infection by bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics is greater.
Beware of Symptoms
The symptoms are commonly found in patients with Pulmonary Infections such as cough with phlegm (sputum such as mucus, greenish or like pus), chest pain (can be sharp or blunt, and intensified when the patient took a deep breath or cough), chills, fever, easily tired, shortness of breath, headache, decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting, feeling unwell, joint stiffness, and muscle stiffness.
Other symptoms that may be found as moist skin, coughing up blood, rapid breathing, anxiety, stress, tension and abdominal pain. On examination of the chest using a stethoscope, the sound will be 'crackles'. For people who are prone to pneumonia, deep breathing exercises and therapy to get rid of phlegm, can help prevent pneumonia.
Can also be vaccinated to help prevent certain types of pneumonia in children and adults who are at high risk. Also given pneumococcal vaccine (to prevent pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae), flu vaccine and Hib vaccine (to prevent pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae type B).
For people who are prone to infection lungs, breathing exercises and therapy to get rid of the phlegm, can help prevent lung infections. Vaccination can help prevent certain types of pneumonia in children and adults who are at high risk such as pneumococcal vaccine (to prevent pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae), flu vaccine and Hib vaccine (to prevent pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae type B).

Bronchitis hn children

Bronchitis in children often occurs when the child is infected. Bronchitis itself is derived from the bronchial and itis. Bronchial airway is large, while itis is a medical term indicating an inflammatory reaction. Inflammation, or inflammation is the body's reaction to various things. And, the viral infection is a common cause of airway inflammation.
Bronkitis Pada Anak When there is an inflammatory reaction in the airways, the area will look red, swollen / bloated, and produce mucus which is rather a lot. Thus, the symptoms of bronchitis is a cough accompanied by phlegm production lot.
The cause of bronchitis in children, usually caused by a viral infection. If cough persists, it is usually due to allergies. Sometimes in certain cases, bronchitis in children are harmless and go away by itself.
Smoking is often the cause of the increased severity of bronchitis in adults. If parents smoke, chances are small children, infants, children often inhale cigarette smoke (the smoke from the smoker parents) and children who have previously had problems with the lungs and heart at risk of developing acute bronchitis.
To prevent bronchitis in children, parents or guardians must teach the children how to properly wash their hands to keep from spreading the bacteria and viruses that cause bronchitis, so as not to overly restrict air pollution, is also recommended to get a flu vaccine.
Sometimes the symptoms of bronchitis in children are similar to symptoms of other diseases. Noteworthy is the change in a hoarse voice (cough frequently; sputum certainly not much). If this happens, it is likely the child is not suffering from bronchitis. Perhaps, there is an inflammatory reaction in the vocal cords. Gambar Bronkitis Pada Anak
Typically, this occurs due to virus infection, will heal by itself, and the condition is generally harmless. Observations have continued. Once children shortness of breath (breathing hard, panting, lips look blue), immediately take it to the doctor.
If you still want to consult with a pediatrician, preferably to a pulmonary specialist pediatrician. Better yet, if before meeting with the doctor, you've been browsing on various sites about bronchitis bronchitis in children. That way, you can add insight before we know clearly from a specialist.

Prevent Pneumonia In Children

Gambar Mencegah Pneumonia Pada Anak Pneumonia is a form of acute respiratory infection that affects the lungs. The infection is caused by alveoli do not work optimally when filling the air in the lungs, which then will cause difficulty breathing because the oxygen intake is limited.
In many studies suggest that pneumonia in children is caused by two types of bacteria, namely: Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Both of these bacteria can also cause acute meningitis (infection of the membranes covering the brain) in children.
Prevention efforts is a strategic component in the eradication of pneumonia in children consists of prevention through immunization and non-immunization prevention. Development Programme Immunization (PPI), which includes DPT and measles immunization has been implemented by the government has been able to reduce the proportion of under-five deaths due to pneumonia. This is understandable because of measles, pertussis daan is also Diphtheria can also cause pneumonia in children or a toddler pneumonia comorbidities. In addition, it is now available Hib vaccine and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine for the prevention of bacterial infections that cause pneumonia and other serious illnesses such as meningitis.
In addition to difficulty in breathing, whooping cough is a common symptom of pneumonia in children when he was stricken with pneumonia. Pneumonia can be treated effectively with antibiotics. But in the case of pneumonia that further treatment can be carried out through the method of X-rays. Pneumonia in children can be prevented in several ways, such as: Mencegah Pneumonia Pada Anak
  • Exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months. This is an important step to ensure that your baby is getting enough nutrition and build a natural immunity to bacteria and viruses
  • Giving vaccines recommended by the doctor in the first year of birth
  • Keeping the environment clean
  • Get children to live healthy snack at random and do not wash their hands before eating.
Similarly, an article about preventing pneumonia in children, hopefully by knowing the prevention of pneumonia in children. Each of us can prevent pneumonia affects our children.

Prevention of Lung Cancer

Prevention of Lung Cancer done so that we avoided from lung cancer. Lung cancer is a disease of uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung. This growth may lead to metastasis, invasion of surrounding tissue and infiltration beyond the lungs.

Pencegahan Kanker Paru-paru Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world that can affect any person and difficult to treat. That's why we should try to prevent this terrible disease. Fortunately, lung cancer is also one type of cancer that can be prevented. By avoiding certain risk factors for lung cancer prevention can significantly reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer.
Symptoms that occur in lung cancer depends on the location of the growth and the spread of tumors. Many cases of lung cancer shows no symptoms at first. Here are the symptoms of lung cancer: Start coughing for weeks and sometimes up to chronical that voice becomes hoarse.
No appetite, leading to weight loss. Pain felt in the chest, followed by a cold sweat at night. When breathing chest tightness. Sputum visible patches because it has been mixed with the blood.
To diagnose lung cancer other than by looking at the symptoms and physical examination will also need to do further tests, such as: Examination radiology (X-rays) of the chest, to determine the development of tumors. Sputum cytology (sputum sitology), analyzing cells in sputum. CAT scan of the chest, Bronchoscopy, for large mengetahi and location of the tumor biopsy needle can detect lung tumors and the outside of the lungs. Can mengdiagnosa 80% of cancer patients. Biopsy tissue (lifting and analyzing the affected tissue). Thoracosentesis (removing fluid from the chest cavity).
Some preventive measures lung cancer that can be done to avoid lung cancer are:
Avoiding smoking , and if already stopped smoking, because smoking is a major cause of lung cancer participated avoid sucking smoke (secondhand smoke) for those who work in industries that produce carcinogenic pollutants must pay attention to health and safety.
Exercise regularly to maintain immunity. Perform regular checks, especially for high risk, in order to be detected early.
In addition to medical treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy or surgery. Treatment of lung cancer can be helped by using medicinal herbs.
Similarly, articles on the prevention of lung cancer may be useful.

Prevention of tuberculosis

Prevention of tuberculosis should be done when one of our relatives there who contracted tuberculosis. Because TB is one of the infectious diseases that can be transmitted through sputum TB patients. Besides foods containing TB germs can also cause TB disease spread.
TB preventive measures can sometimes be forgotten by most people. If anyone has tested positive for latent tuberculosis infection, your doctor may suggest taking medication to reduce the risk of active tuberculosis. The only type of infectious TB is active varieties, as it affects the lungs. So, if it can prevent TB from becoming active, the patient will not transmit TB to others.
With TB Prevention Protect Yourself and Others
If a person has active tuberculosis, the first thing to note is to keep germs out of yourself. It usually takes a few weeks of treatment with the drug before it no longer contagious tuberculosis. Follow these tips to help keep and prevention of TB disease to friends and family of bacterial infections:
  • Stay home. Do not go to work or school or sleep in a room with other people during the first few weeks of treatment for active tuberculosis.
  • Ventilate the room. TB germs spread more easily in small closed spaces where air does not move. If ventilation is still lacking, open windows and use a fan to blow air in the room outside.
  • Shut up wearing masks. Use a mask to cover your mouth whenever the diagnosis of tuberculosis tb is an effective preventive measure. Do not forget to dispose of it properly
  • Spitting should be at a certain place that has been disinfected (soapy water)
  • BCG is given to infants aged 3-14 months
  • Avoid the cold
  • Pursuing the sunshine and fresh air into the bed to taste
  • Drying mattresses, pillows, and bed especially early morning
  • All items are used so the patient should be washed separately and should not be used by others
  • The food should be high in carbohydrates and high in protein
Apart tuberculosis prevention, drug therapy completed all very well to fight infection and heal faster. This is the most important step you can take to protect yourself and others from tuberculosis. When patients discontinue treatment early or skip doses, tuberculosis bacteria have a chance to develop mutations that allow them to survive even if it were the most powerful drug tbc though. Drug-resistant strains produced far more deadly and difficult to treat.
Gambar Cara Pencegahan TBC In countries where TB is more common, infants vaccinated in preventing severe tuberculosis in children. BCG vaccine is not recommended for general use because it is not very effective in adults and it causes false-positive results on skin tests.
Strong immune system may also be a way to prevent the body against TB germs. With a healthy lifestyle, our immune system is expected to be quite strong. Although the TB germs, still will last so it will not cause symptoms.
Healthy lifestyle can we make it a habit to eat nutritious food, personal hygiene and the environment, the sun can get into the house so it is not damp, and the circulation of a good home. Pressure stress can also affect our immune system. Therefore, mental health and soul should get attention in order to get more leverage TB prevention.
From various sources

Asthma Prevention tips

Prevention of asthma should be done immediately if we have family who contracted asthma. This is because asthma is one of the infectious diseases. So if it is not immediately prevented, anyone can be infected.
Cara Pencegahan Asma Prevention of asthma can be done if the trigger factors are known and can be avoided. The attacks triggered by exercise can be avoided by taking medication before exercise.
Every patient should try to take action to prevent asthma. But when asthma symptoms arise it is necessary antipenyakit asthma medication to relieve symptoms and further maintained that the patient free from asthma symptoms. Among the ways of prevention of asthma are:
  • Maintaining Health
Maintaining the health of a business that is inseparable from the treatment of asthma. If the patient is weak and malnourished, are not only susceptible to disease but it also means it's easy to get asthma attacks and their complications.
Efforts to maintain health which include eating a good nutritional value, drinking lots, rest, recreation and exercise accordingly. Patients are encouraged to drink lots except where prohibited doctors, suffering from other diseases such as heart disease or kidney weight.
Many drink will dilute the phlegm in the respiratory tract, so that the sputum was easily removed. Conversely if the person is not drinking, sputum will be very thick, wiry and hard issued.
In severe asthma attacks many people are dehydrated. It is caused by excessive sweating, not drinking and evaporation of excess fluid from the respiratory tract due to breathing fast and deep.
  • Maintaining Environmental Cleanliness
Environment in which people live day-to-day influence the onset of asthma attacks. The state of the house as very important. The house should not be moist, adequate ventilation and sunlight.
Drainage must be current. The bedroom is a place that needs special attention. We recommend a minimum bedrooms filled with stuff to avoid house dust.
No pets, cigarette smoke, mosquito spray, hair spray and other asthma trigger, because it's one way to prevent asthma is to avoid all that. Work environment is also a concern especially when clearly there is a relationship between work environment with asthma disease.
  • Avoiding triggers Factor
Common allergens that cause asthma are dust mites so how to avoid house dust should be understood. Other allergens such as cats, dogs, birds, need attention and also keep in mind that animals are not suspected as cockroaches and rats can cause asthma.
Respiratory viral infections often trigger asthma. Asthma sufferers should steer clear of those who are stricken with influenza. Also advised to avoid crowded places or crowded.
Avoid excessive fatigue, rain, extreme temperatures replacement, running around chasing public transport or an exhausting exercise. If it will work, do warm-up exercises first and recommended taking drugs to prevent asthma attacks.
Substances that stimulate the airways are like cigarette smoke, car exhaust, gasoline fumes, paint fumes or vapors of chemicals and other dirty air should be avoided.
Notice of drugs taken, particularly drugs for the treatment of hypertension and heart (beta-blockers), antirheumatic drugs (aspirin, and the like). Dye (tartrazine) and food preservatives (benzoic acid) can also cause asthma.
    Gambar Cara Pencegahan Asma
  • Using Asthma Medications
In a mild asthma attack frequency moreover rarely, patients may take medications bronchodilators, either as tablets, capsules and syrups. But if you want to be asthma symptoms quickly disappear, obviously aerosol better.
In more severe attacks, when they may be able to increase the dose of the drug, it is often better to combine two or three different drugs. For example, at first with an aerosol or tablets / syrup sympathomimetic (relief of symptoms) and then combined with theophylline and if not also disappeared recently added corticosteroids.
In chronic asthma when the situation is under control can be attempted prophylactic medications asthma. Purpose of preventive asthma medications are in addition to preventing asthma attacks is also expected that the use of bronchodilator drugs and systemic steroids can be reduced and even if it may be discontinued.

Syphilis Prevention

Syphilis Prevention to avoid venereal disease syphilis . Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted through sexual contact. The cause of the disease is venereal syphilis bacterium called Treponema pallidum.
Sexually Transmitted Infections spread quite alarming in Indonesia. Both types of gonorrhea and syphilis. Venereal disease syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a spirochaete bacterium, Treponema pallidum. Transmission is usually through sexual contact; However, there are several other examples of such direct contact and congenital syphilis (transmission through mother to child in the uterus).
Symptoms and signs of syphilis many and different; prior to the development serologikal tests, diagnosis is difficult and the disease is often called "the Great Copycat" because it is often mistaken for other diseases. Data from the Ministry of Health indicates syphilis reached 5000-10000 cases per year. While in China, the report shows the number of reported cases rose from 0.2 per 100,000 in 1993 to 5.7 cases per 100,000 in 2005. In the United States, about 36,000 cases of syphilis are reported each year, and the real figure is higher diperkiran. Approximately three-fifths of cases happen to him. Since the number of cases of venereal disease syphilis, the prevention of syphilis is one way to avoid spreading.
If not dilakuka Syphilis Prevention and untreated, syphilis can cause serious effects such as damage to the nervous system, heart, or brain. Untreated syphilis can be fatal. People who have chances of getting syphilis or find his sex partner might be infected with syphilis are encouraged to immediately see a doctor as soon as possible.
Characteristics of Syphilis STD
Symptoms of venereal disease syphilis lasts 3-4 weeks, sometimes up to 13 weeks. Then comes the bumps around the genitals. Sometimes accompanied by dizziness and flu-like bone pain, which will go away without treatment. There reddish spots on the body about 6-12 weeks after intercourse. These symptoms will disappear by itself and often people do not pay attention to this.
During the first 2-3 years of the disease do not show any symptoms, or the so-called latency period. After 5-10 years syphilis will attack the brain nervous system, heart and blood vessels. In pregnant women with syphilis can be transmitted to the baby and be born with damage to the skin, liver, spleen, and mental retardation.
Syphilis Prevention
There are several ways the prevention of syphilis, which are:
  • Stop sexual contact in the long term
  • Having a regular partner for sexual intercourse
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs
  • Talking openly about the history of venereal disease is experienced as a couple
  • Make a habit of using condoms when having sex with strangers
If you are already infected with venereal disease syphilis, then immediately consult your doctor, so do not spread Syphilis Prevention in your family.

Kidney Disease

A doctor once asked the patient's medical history and signs and symptoms, to determine the presence / occurrence of renal failure and he will perform a physical examination focused on the possibility of kidney organ enlargement or swelling around the kidney. If the suspected occurrence of impaired renal function, the patient will be consulted to a kidney specialist (nephrologist).
Further laboratory examination either blood or urine to see the levels of electrolytes sodium and potassium / potassium. In certain cases the medical team may perform catheter hose fitting into the urine bag (bladder) to remove urine. If necessary, a medical team will advise checking shots kidney structure with methods Ultrasound, Computed tomography (CT) scans or by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. There is even the possibility of action biopsy, the sampling (sample) kidney tissue.
Failure Treatment and Handling Ginj al
Handling and treatment of renal failure depends on the cause of the failure of kidney function itself. In essence, the goal of treatment is to control symptoms, minimizing complications and slow the progression of the disease. For example, a patient may need a diet low intake of sodium, potassium, protein and fluids. When the cause is unknown other ill effects, then the doctor will give you medicine or therapy such as administration of drugs for the treatment of hypertension, anemia or perhaps high cholesterol.
A person with malfunctioning kidney function should be monitored very income (intake) and expenditure (output) of fluid, so that the action and the treatment given to do well. In some serious cases, patients will be advised or given blood laundering measures {Haemodialisa (dialysis)}. Another possibility is to measure kidney transplant or kidney transplant.
Esophageal Precautions Kidney Disease
We are in a state of "feeling well" at least expected to do a medicine / control / laboratory. As for those who are otherwise impaired kidneys, either mild or moderate are expected to be cautious in consuming oabat rheumatic drugs such as drugs, certain antibiotics and treated immediately if infected, avoid lack of fluids (vomiting), control periodically.
Drinking enough water every day (8 glasses a day), to treat kidney function in order to stay well. The pattern of life is good and right will keep us from various diseases that may attack us.

Strep Throat

You often feel dry throat, swollen and painful swallowing?
Well ... most likely you have strep throat. Strep throat is caused by a viral infection such as a cold or flu. Sore throat will usually heal on its own, although in some cases have grown to be serious. But you do not need to worry. There are some simple treatments that you might try to do at home, as quoted Healthcastle following:
1. Drink honey
Honey is believed to cure a sore throat, though until now scientists have not fully understood the workings of these foods. But certainly, the benefits of honey are useful for inhibiting the growth of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. How to use: Mix 1-2 tablespoons of honey into a cup of water.
2. Gargling with salt water
Gargling with salt water may reduce inflammation of the throat . Why? Because salt can draw water out of the cell membrane, making it quite effective in reducing the swelling and inflammation caused by a sore throat. How to use: add half to one teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water and gargle with a mixture of water at least once every hour.
3. Green tea
A study showed that study participants using green tea extract increased the immune response because they can secrete hormones interferon, which is able to fight the virus. For better results, you can add honey into a cup of green tea.
4. Apple cider vinegar
Still can not find scientific evidence about how it works, but many people believe usefulness. How to use: Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water, then gargled and swallowed.
5. Consumption of vitamin D
A study in 2007 found that people who took vitamin D supplements every day three more chances of experiencing symptoms of colds and flu. In other words, if you're taking these vitamins, the immune system will be improved and reduced symptoms of sore throat.
How to treat a sore throat naturally the most practical way is to consume natural products beekeeping, for example, is honey that can be found HERE
If you want to know more about the role of bee products and honey benefits more clearly, and you want to get the best quality honey , can click HERE

Diabetes Prevention

Diabetes mellitus or commonly called the disease "Diabetes" or "Blood Sugar Disease" is now a disease "a million people" ....
Why is that? This is often caused by Life Style Modern / Modern Lifestyle accustomed to eating Fast Food, Fried fried, Savory flavors / fatty foods, lack of fruit and vegetables ...
Besides, people generally assume that the Diabetes disease just because of too much eating and drinking a sugary sweet, so as to prevent and treat fairly with diet foods and beverages that contain a lot of sweet or sugary carbohydrates (rice and the like) ... so it is not considered dangerous ...
Actually the medical illness called diabetes mellitus as the "Mother Of Deases" ... "Mother Of Kinds of Disease ..."
Why so named? ... Because if someone is suffering from diabetes, meaning their blood sugar contaminated by spread throughout other important organs and organ damage ...
Any organ can be destroyed? ...
First is the brain ... people will be suffering from dementia / forgetful ...
Both are eye ... people will suffer from myopic eyes to blind ...
Third kidneys, people with kidney failure and nedd dialysis ...
Fourth genitals, for men will suffer from impotence ....
And many others more ...
Is it true that treatment with diet drink enough and eat the sweet sweet or that could turn into glucose in the blood? ..... To my knowledge the answer is not right!!
Diet will only keep the disease is not getting worse and delay the damaged organ damage ....
Actually, what to do? ...
What should be done is that he should treat organ functioning pancreas produces insulin to process sugar metabolism in the blood into energy (glucose glukogen processed into energy needed for muscular activity, etc.) ...
What drug pangkreas? ... Many, but choose one that is not chemically, for organic ... that does not produce toxic waste that will damage Lever and Kidney ...
Herbs are frequently used to treat diseases such as diabetes leaves; herb decoction of guava leaves, turmeric and white corn dryers etc actually have the effect of reducing blood sugar levels, do not fix pancreas!!!
To improve the Pancreas, serious efforts should be made, which in addition to a strict diet to foods and beverages that contain sugar and carbohydrates, also have a regular exercise under the sun in the morning between 6-8 hours, and consume supelmen containing omega 3 (fish oil Inside, sunclorela, crypto, salmon, etc.) ...
Regular exercise every day under the sun in the morning will absorb Far Infra Red Rays (Biofir) are very useful to help the body metaolisme very effectively) ... will help oroses repair and manufacture of new cells of damaged organs ....
Likewise 0Mega 3 will assist in the formation of new cells metabolism of damaged organs and protects the organs of our body cell nucleus ...
Strict diet will help lower blood sugar levels so that the body's metabolism becomes more fluent daqn reduce contamination of sugar in the damaged organs ....
So all you have to do is:
Make positive thinking; Regular exercise / intense sunlight in the morning between the hours of 6-8 am; strict diet foods and drinks containing sugar / carbohydrate; Eating and drinking supelmen contains Omega 3 high; Gradually reduce chemical drugs and replace it with supelmen herbs in the correct dosage ...
Of all the things mentioned above, in my experience, the effects of regular exercise in the sun in the morning is a very easy, cheap and effective, does not contain any risk, but it strengthens the heart and lungs, ...
Good luck ....

Prevent Dental

Tarapi disease medicine and so many we met, what else is now with the advancement of internet technology we can find a variety of things especially in the field of oral health. Society no longer lay on oral health. But in reality there are many of us go to the dentist to treat and not to prevent. It is also important to realize by medical colleagues to always provide preventive guidance to patients.
Be aware keberhasialan an action treatment not only be achieved by one side alone, but must be a partnership between the patient and the doctor himself. Disease prevention is a very important but often overlooked or deliberately ignored. But we need to realize is actually cheaper to prevent disease than to treat, so why do not we stop before the pain? Some of us may not know exactly how to prevent and treat oral health that is maintained well, actually not necessarily too expensive and can be done alone at home.
Here are some ways umun do to prevent gum disease.
1. can be done in many ways one of the most effective ways is by brushing your teeth regularly, so that we can break the chain of causes of caries and other oral diseases.
2. Strengthen teeth (with Flour). How to strengthen teeth by using flour is to use toothpaste that contains flour. But some of us may still believe and use betel leaves to nourish the tooth. However, the most sanagt is not recommended brushing teeth using brick or clay, some people still use this method in hopes teeth look cleaner and stronger. But in fact the use of brick instead will erode tooth enamel.
3. Reduce consumption of foods that are sweet and sticky. The food we eat is an important nutrient for our body, but some foods may not be suitable for our oral health, in fact it is not allowed but if we consume sweet and sticky foods should brush your teeth afterwards with a clean langgung that the remnants of mankanan does not stick to the teeth that will accelerate the process of caries and other oral diseases.
4. Allowing consumption of fibrous foods and healthy teeth. Food fiber than good for your health is also good for oral health. For those who like to use a toothpick after eating to clean up the leftovers try to replace the toothpicks with fruits such as apples, melons, papaya, etc.. These fruits will help us to clean up wasted food stuck in between our teeth.


How to Prevent Malaria

How to Prevent Malaria

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a protozoan parasite Plasmodium group, which is transmitted by the bite of the Anopheles mosquito. This type of protozoan parasite lot of spread in the tropics, for example, in America, Asia and Africa.

There are four types of the plasmodium parasites that can either human infection, but that is often found in cases of malaria are Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. Others are Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae.

Signs and Symptoms of malaria
The period of shoot / incubation period of this disease can be a few days to a few months later then emerging signs and symptoms complained of by the patient such ar fever, chills, rheumatic pain or joint pain, sometimes vomiting, pale / anemis, enlarged liver and spleen, urinary looks cloudy / thick because they contain hemoglobin (Hemoglobinuria), tingling of the skin and having spasms.

However, it was revealed classic signs of feelings of sudden coldness followed by rigor and then fever and sweating emergence after 4 to 6 hours later, it takes place every two days. Among this period, the patient may feel healthy as before. At this age children can cause symptoms of malaria attacks strange, for example, showing the movement / posture as a result of abnormal brain cavity pressure. Even more serious, can cause brain damage.

Classification of Disease Manifestations of Malaria
There are several forms of malaria disease manifestations, such as:
- Tertiana Malaria, caused by Plasmodium vivax, in which patients feel the fever appears every third day.
- Quartana Malaria, caused by Plasmodium malariae, patients feel the fever every fourth day.
- Cerebral Malaria, caused by Plasmodium falciparum, patients experience irregular fever accompanied by symptoms terserangnya part of the brain, coma and even entered a phase of sudden death.
- Pernicious Malaria, caused by Plasmodium vivax, the symptoms can occur very suddenly, like a stroke, coma with severe malaria symptoms.

Enforcing Malaria Diagnosis
With the signs and symptoms complained of and looked after by the medical team, it will be done laboratory tests (especially blood tests) to ascertain the cause and diagnosis to be given to the patient.

Treatment of Malaria
Based on the inspection, either directly from the complaints that arise as well as more focus on results laboratium then the doctor will give you some medicine to patients. Among them is the administration of drugs to lower fever such as paracetamol, vitamins to boost the immune system in an effort to help the healing.

While commonly used antimalarial drugs are Chloroquine, because the price is cheap and so far proven effective as a cure malaria in the world. But there are some patients who are resistant to Chloroquine administration, some doctors will give other antimalarials such Artesunate-Sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine, artesunate-amodiaquine,-piperquine Artesunate, Artemether-lumefantrine, and Dihidroartemisinin-piperquine.

Malaria Prevention
Prevention of malaria can be done by cleaning mosquito nest (PSN), trying to avoid mosquito bites, or prevention with drugs Chloroquine when visiting malaria endemic areas.

Preventing Kidney Disease

How to Prevent Kidney Failure Disease Naturally

At this meeting I will discuss on the kidney, While today many people are less concerned with the health of the people of Indonesia in particular kidney, kidney but very important role for health. Before discussing more about how to prevent the disease in the kidneys it would be nice if we know in advance what it was kidney.

What is a kidney?

Kidney is one of the organs of excretion are shaped like a bean. As part of the excretory system, kidney function filter wastes (especially urea) from the blood and throw it together with water in the form of urine.
Kidneys In humans there are two pairs of each of the weight of about 150 grams, each located at the right and left bone back. As one of the organs of excretion, renal function is essential for life.

Diseases of the Kidney

Various kinds of kidney disease are Acute Kidney, Chronic Kidney and Kidney Failure. Of all the diseases of the kidney renal failure is a disease that most terrible, because the kidneys can no longer filter impurities and residual substances contained in the blood.

How to prevent

To prevent us from diseases such as above, please do the following tips:

1. Exercise regularly

Exercise is good for your health in addition it can also reduce the risk of kidney disease, though ragalah regularly, although as long as regular light exercise will be better than heavy exercise but not regularly.

2. Avoid Obesity

Obesity or overweight can lead to kidney disease, and therefore from now on look for an ideal body weight, to avoid kidney disease.

3. Enough water

Consume enough water as needed, not excessive and not too little, avoid consuming alcoholic beverages, narcotics, Sabu, and is forbidden by religion and the state.
Avoid taking drugs (such as ibuprofen, etc) too often except on a doctor's prescription.

4. Reduce consumption of fatty foods

Consuming excessive fatty foods can raise cholesterol levels in the body, and the kidneys have to work extra hard.

5. Kidney health checks periodically

You can check the health of the kidneys in the hospital, as well as to check the health of your body. Do it regularly.
Thank you for reading my article. 
"It is better to prevent than cure"

Cancer Disease

CANCER DISEASE is a scourge, especially for women. Efforts to prevent the disease are now increasingly considered. Behavior is one of the major cause of cancer, outside of heredity, environment, and health care utilization. Among other through the daily diet. Do not believe? Read the following indications experts. "80-90% of many forms of cancer is closely related to the food we eat everyday." Well, if you do not want to care, breast cancer, throat cancer, stomach cancer, cancer of the colon (large intestine) and rectum, liver cancer and cancer of the lungs and bladder, ready to roll. That means your bag, too, along kering.Tapi not worry. There are several steps to prevent the arrival of cancer. Need attention and application of health behavior. Here are the steps you can try:

First, Eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains such as tempeh, tofu, and foods that contain a lot of fiber. Vegetables and fruits that contain lots of vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, as well as nutrients such as selenium (Se), folic acid, niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin D, zinc (zinc), calcium (Ca ), and magnesium (Mg), known as antikarsinogen substances, ie substances that are protective (protect against the onset of cancer). While fiber is part of the vegetable food plays an important role in maintaining good health and can prevent colon cancer. We recommend that you eat green vegetables and fruits at least one or two times.

Second, avoid excessive weight or obesity. Weigh weight 1 time a week. Research shows, due to obesity, the risk of cancer, particularly breast cancer, uterus, colon, stomach, kidney, and gallbladder.

Third, Reduce too much fried food and also high in protein and fat such as offal.

Fourth, Limit processed foods high temperature and long time or a certain treatment that can cause food procarcinogens such as salted, smoked, processed with nitrites, baked, roasted until it comes out charcoal (charred) substances causing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) that are procarcinogens. Most processed food either boiled.  

Fifth, Be careful with the use of artificial sweeteners, food coloring and preservatives excessive. The best food is fresh food. Artificial sweeteners such as cyclamate and saccharin, which are widely used in snack foods, according to epidemiological studies, can also cause bladder tumors. Also food preservatives such as formaldehyde as a preservative meatballs or tofu, use of textile dyes (not for food) as methanyl yellow on crackers, tofu and others. And rhodamine, red in the syrup according to research also able to induce liver cancer.  

Sixth, Keep your food, make diverse, and free from environmental contamination substances. The reason, many food substances that can induce cancer. Wherever possible you should avoid foods that are less clean, past their expiration or treated improperly.  

Seventh, should not over-consume beverages containing alcohol, and smoking.

Eighth, physical activity by exercising regularly with mental and spiritual health is an integral part of cancer prevention.  

Shown is the desire of most perfect woman in the world. Eternal perfection that goes on every side of life, whether in the home, a family to a private life with her beloved husband.

No doubt the amount of dollars floating willing to do the treatment, both the face, skin, hair, even the most beautiful crown on her own. However, of the many women in the world, generally located on the portion of interest outside treatment (face, skin and hair) and often ignorant of this beautiful organ called Ms V.Padahal organ is very prone to attack germs and pests that effect can be very dangerous later.  

The solution:  

You can use Crystal-X products to care for your Feminine Intimate Organ

Benefits and Functions of Crystal-X:
  • Kills germs, mold and bacteria.
  • Enabling and flex miss V.
  • Eliminates odor.
  • Prevent and cure leucorrhoea.
  • Descaling and dirt on the membrane miss V.
  • Adding power sensitivity to stimuli.
  • Heals irritation diselaput miss V.
  • Tejadinya prevent gynecological cancer.

How to Use Natural Crystal-X
  • Dampen Crystal X and insert it into the vagina as deep as 4 cm, turn slowly in a 10 count.
  • Remove and wash with water. Once wiped with a clean dry cloth and keep it dry.

Dose Usage:
  • 1 to 2 times a day after bath (for maintenance) - Can more than 2 times to have a chronic case, and played a few longer.
  • Suggested use before and after sex.

Abrasive effect / meeting more and often make the woman uncomfortable begins when intercourse is not enough foreplay.

Then what about those who are still girls and teenagers? Prickly white young leaves also come to love. Do not worry because Natural Crystal X can also be used for young people, of course, in a different way with a married woman.

How to use:
  • Crystal X soak in lukewarm water for 1 minute and used to clean the female organs.
  • In the same way the No1 but using a soft cloth after use cleaning dipped female organs.
  • Provide lukewarm water in a bowl, soak Crystal X 1 minute and soak directly by soaking / sat.  

Positive effects that arise:
  • Within 1-7 days the use of vaginal discharge will come out and everyone looks different. This is proof that in fact the vaginal cavity was dirty and needed to be cleaned. Wear will certainly be kept clean.
  • Going out of clear liquid that itch effect, but this is simply because of the clear fluid containing bacteria, continues to wear the itching goes away by itself.
  • The vagina will clean, odorless, fast and narrow. The effect will give you and your partner's satisfaction.
  • Long-term use will not have negative effects for Crystal-X is designed to prevent the disease and its use in the outer parts so it does not affect the internal organs.

How to prevent HIV - AIDS

It is known that HIV - AIDS is the disease most feared and dangerous because there is currently no method powerful enough to treat it.

Therefore the continued spread of the disease and the sufferer reaches millions of people. The most prudent in dealing with this issue is how do we avoid HIV-AIDS with some precautions as listed below:

How to prevent HIV - AIDS

1. Avoid contact with HIV-infected blood The most common way of transmitting HIV is through contact with the blood of HIV-infected persons. Transfusion, or contact with the wound, it can cause the virus to spread from one person to another. Transmission by blood can be easily avoided through a blood test and avoid contact with the wound if the HIV-positive person, if you have to deal with the wounds of the people living with HIV / AIDS, sure to wear protective clothing such as rubber gloves.

2. Be careful with equipment Surgical Syringes and infusion drugs, needles and tattoo equipment can be a source of HIV infection. Guns tattoo needles, and razors are tools berpaparan with the blood of infected people. Here are some things you should consider when using needles and surgical equipment:
* Do not reuse disposable syringe.
* Clean and wash the surgical equipment before using it.
* If you want a tattoo, make sure it is done by a tattoo shop clean and sanitary.
* Avoid the use of illegal drugs and controlled substances intravenously.

3. Use Condoms Another way of HIV transmission is through unprotected sexual contact. condom is your first line of defense to avoid becoming infected with HIV. It is very important to use condoms during sex, not only will reduce the chances of HIV infection, but it can also protect against other sexually transmitted infections. Latex condoms are the best, but you can also use polyurethane condoms. Do not use it again and make sure that nothing is broken in the current barriers to use.

4. Avoid Free Sex HIV and AIDS are more prevalent for people with multiple sexual partners. If you have only one sexual partner, you can dramatically minimize the chances of contracting HIV or get AIDS. But that does not mean you can stop using condoms, you still have to have sex protected even if you are faithful to your sexual partner.

Disease and prevention

1. Causes of Diseases
Some living things that cause disease are:
a. Insects
Besides as an intermediary for the spread of disease, insects can also cause the onset of a disease. sample for insects as an intermediary: a mosquito that can cause malaria, dengue fever. Flies can cause gastrointestinal diseases. While examples of insect pests is sarcopies scabiei (scabies disease-causing).
b. worms
Various kinds of worms can cause disease in humans. Many are found in the community we are diseases that cause hookworms, roundworms, pinworms and tapeworms.
c. Protozoa
Protozoa are one of the pests that can infect humans. Malaria is one of the examples of diseases caused by protozoa.
d. bacteria
Many infectious diseases caused by bacteria. You must already know tuberculosis, koleram diphtheria, dysentery, and leprosy. The disease is caused by bacteria that infect the body.
e. virus
Virus is one of the microorganisms that cause disease. diseases caused by viruses such as polio, camppak, dengue fever, hepatitis and rabies.
f. Mushrooms
Some types of fungi attack the skin and cause a person to suffer from skin diseases. Known disease and affects many people in the community such as tinea versicolor and ringworm.
2. Communicable Diseases Common in Indonesia
a. Scabies
Scabies is a skin disease caused by insect infestation groups, namely Sareoptes scabiei. These insects subtle dig trenches in the epidermis of the skin so that the skin part irritation, damage, and cause itching. If garukannya cause injury, the patient may develop secondary infections and the transfer of parasites from one place to another. Prevention can be done is to avoid contact with the patient, treating the patient as soon as possible to recover, and maintain personal and environmental hygiene.
b. Ankylostomiasis (hookworm infection)
Ankylostomiasis is an infectious disease caused by hookworm attacks, Ankylostoma duodenale, which live in the intestine and cause intestinal bleeding resulting in anemia. Within 1 week of the larvae enter the duodenum and ileum. After 4 weeks from the time of infection, hookworm become adult worms.
Symptoms of this disease are indicated abnormalities in the skin at the area where the larvae enter the form of itching, the symptoms of bronchitis, cough, constipation, diarrhea, pale and puffy face, edema of the hands and feet, belly, tiredness, nausea, and vomiting- vomiting.
Prevention can be done is:
Completely treat patients who may be a source of infection,
Keeping the environment clean,
Prevent infection by always wearing footwear,
Held a mass treatment.
c. Enterobiasisi (pinworm infection)
Enterobiasis are intestinal infections by pinworms. Enterobus vemicumicularis or Odcyyuris vermiicularis.
Adult worms live in area of ​​the cecum and colon contents consuming and cellular material (gut) local. Transmission through the digestive tract, ie infective worm eggs are ingested through the mouth.
Symptoms and complaints arise only at night, the adult worms in moving into the anus or genitals if it will spawn. Symptoms include itching in the anal area so people sleeplessness. Efforts to prevent infection of this disease are:
Attention to health and hygiene of individuals, such as cutting the nails, washing hands after defecating, clean the area around the anus, and wash hands before eating,
Attention to health and hygiene setti,
Provide treatment to patients and their families,
Drying, washing, and ironing bedding and clothing.
d. Amebiasis (amoebic dysentery)
This disease is a stomach ailment that many experienced people in our country. Amebiasis is an infectious disease that occurs primarily in the large intestine, in some cases the infection can spread to the liver, brain and lungs. The cause of this disease is a kind of protozoa of the class Rhizopoda, namely Entamoeba histolytica. Infective cysts form into the mouth with contaminated food or drink. After passing through the stomach wall of the cyst will rupture. Furthermore, in the large intestine submucosal tissues develop into tropozoit shape. One of the symptoms of amebiasis is the presence of blood and mucus in feces. Patients will feel constipated, in a state of acute nxeri will arise in the abdomen. Patients usually defecate as many as 68 times a day. Smelling feces, dark red, slimy, and there was blood.
Prevention efforts can be made by individuals and communities. And cooking water and food is good and right, preventing the contamination of food and beverages by flies, cockroaches or rodents, maintain personal hygiene and eating utensils. Prevention can be done by the public is holding well excreta disposal system.
f. Malaria
Malaria is an infectious disease caused by protozoa of the class Sporozoa kind, genus Plasmodium. There are four species of Plasmodium that can cause disease in humans, the Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium malariae, plasmodium ovale.
Transmission of the disease through the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito carrying infective sporozoid. Other Transmission is through blood trarisfusi, maternal placenta or syringe. Transmission rather than through a mosquito bite, protozoa infecting the patient is not in the form sporozoid, but in the form tropozoid. Having entered the body sporozoid prospective patients, 5 to 7 days later, the parasites multiply in the epithelial cells of the liver and later would enter red blood cells.
Prevention can be done is:
Treat people and people in the body containing the malaria parasite,
Eradicate mosquito breeding,
Eradicate mosquitoes,
And prevent mosquito bites.
e. Toksop lasmosis
Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by a type of parasitic protozoa, subfilum Sporozoa, Toxoplasmea classes, namely Toxoplasma gondii. This parasitic infection causing inflammation of the skin, lymph nodes, heart, lungs, eyes, brain, and meninges. Cats is an intermediary for the infection source for humans. Infected cats will issue feces containing Toxoplasma oocysts. Oocysts can infect humans through contaminated food or drink cat feces containing oocysts.
Transmission can also occur in the presence of skin to skin contact with animal excreta diseased tissue. Other infections can also occur in infants / fetuses obtained from mothers during the infant in the womb or through breast milk. Disease prevention can be done by:
Cooking food and drink perfectly
Treating animals intermediaries, especially the sick cat
Maintain cleanliness of the individual and the environment.
f. Cholera
Cholera is an acute, highly contagious disease, caused by a bacteria called Vibro comma. Transmission from patient melali directly from stool or vomit. Transmission occurs through the digestive tract. The common symptoms are diarrhea sufferers mengalmi and vomiting. In the case of diarrhea, stool first normal form, then changed to colorless again and foaming, ultimately shaped like rice water. For the case of vomiting, the vomit is usually a food first, then turns into a shape like rice water. As a result of diarrhea and vomiting, the patient's body to lose fluid.
Means of prevention are:
Isolating patients
Sterilization equipment is exposed to feces and vomit of patients
Protection of drinking water sources
Cooking food and drink properly
Avoid contamination of food
Maintain cleanliness of the
g. Typhoid fever (typhoid or paratifus)
Demem typhoid is an infectious disease caused by salmonella bacteria, ie salmonella typhi or Salmonella paratyphi A, B, and C. Patients who are in a period of healing is generally still contains germs in the gall bladder and in the kidney. Salmonella prospective patients will enter the body through the digestive tract.
Typical signs of the disease are fever, symptoms of a complaint to the stomach, spleen, and skin eruptions. Prevention, the disease can be through improving individual and environmental hygiene, seek the provision of good water, and giving vaccinations.
h. Diphtheria
Diphtheria is an acute disease caused by the bacterium bacillus, the diphtheria bacterium coryna. Generally, a lot is infected children. Transmission through the saliva is the primary mode of transmission. Transmission others can defilement hand, and a handkerchief. The body parts that may have an infection are the tonsils, nasopharynx, larynx and other parts of the upper respiratory tract. Common symptoms are fever, chills, and weakness. Prevention can be done is an active and passive immunization. Active immunization (vaccination) should first be given when the child was 3 months old, is given along with tetanus immunization, pertunis, and polio myelitis. Second vaccination given 2 years later, while the third vaccine is given at the time the child started school. Passive immunization carried out to obtain protection for 2-3 weeks.
i. Dysentery hasiler
Hasiler Dysentery is an infection of the colon caused by bacteria potogen, there are a variety of species and variants of these bacteria, Shigella genus shigae, Shigellaflexneri, Shigella boydii, schnlitzei shigella, shigella sonei. Germs enter the body through the mouth. Symptoms of this disease are people with experience in body heat up to 42 degrees C, complained of stomach upset, nausea, and vomiting. Diarrhea can occur as many as 20-40 times a day. At first stool comes out mixed with a little blood and mucus, and feces consists only of bloody mucus containing the results of scraping the cells of the intestinal mucosa and germs. Abdominal pain is becoming increasingly intense.
Prevention efforts can be made:
Isolating patients
Sterilizing equipment sleeping
Provide disinfection treatment feces
Supervise the manufacture of food / ice that use raw water
Cooking water first
j. Tetanus
Tetanus is an infectious disease caused by Clostridium tetani. Tetanus germs are in the ground. Transmission occurs through open wounds. To help prevent tetanus is to clean and remove foreign objects from the wound. Luka was given antibiotics to eradicate the infection and prevent the formation of toxins. The initial symptoms of this disease are due to muscle spasms mouth buttoned front. Seizures, then spread gets neck, spine, abdominal wall muscles. And other muscles thoroughly. Seizures will be repeated with the stimulus light, touch or it can occur by itself.
For treatment, patients are usually given anti-tetanus serum or serum kortihosteroid and tetanus.
Prevention efforts are:
Caring for and cleaning the wound and allow wound remains open
k. Tuberculosis (TB)
Tuberculosis is a specific infectious disease in humans and animals. The cause of tuberculosis is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis, Mycobacterium avium, and mycobacter ium microti. Common symptoms of this disease are weak body, weight loss, increased body temperature, berkeringan night. Attempt to do to prevent this is:
Provide active immunization with BCG vaccine
Giving antituberculosis drugs
Complete treatment of the patient.
l. Measles
Measles is a kind of contagious disease caused by the rubella virus. Most of the patients are children. If measles attack pregnant women, it can interfere with abortion hinga miscarriage. Transmission can be through behrasal fluid from the eye, nose, and throat. The spread of the virus through the air during coughing, sneezing, and talking. Symptoms of this disease are fever, headache, red and watery eyes, coughs, colds, hoarseness, spots on the skin and a rash on the skin. Skin rash first occurred in the area behind the ear or face and then spreads throughout the body and eventually to the feet and hands. Prevention can be done by the vaccination or administration of gamma globulin. Vaccination can provide immunity are quite effective. Giving gamma globulin can prevent or mitigate clinical symptoms but do not provide effective immunity.
m. Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever
Dengue fever is a disease caused by a virus of the genus Flavivirus, the dengue virus. Vector transmission is the mosquito Aedes aegypti. The symptoms are fever, headache, back pain, bone and joint pain, weakness, bleeding in the skin. These symptoms may also be accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, abdominal pain, and intestinal bleeding. Prevention primarily intended for combat mosquitoes that meenyebarkan disease. Keeping the environment clean is the best way of eradicating mosquitoes good and do not harm the environment.
n. Hepatitis viruses
Hepatitis is an acute systemic disease caused by a virus. There are 2 kinds of viral hepatitis, namely hepatitis A and hepatitis B transmission of hepatitis A can occur from eating food contaminated feces, which are not cooked or less perfect way to cook it. Transmission of hepatitis B can occur through body contact, a toothbrush / utensils patient or through feces contaminated food that is not cooked or cooked less than perfect.
The symptoms in the prodromal looks similar to influenza, such as fatigue, headache, and there was snot. Symptoms that arise during jaundice is no appetite, upper right abdominal pain, konjungtivis, colds, and pharyngitis.
Prevention efforts are:
Prevent contact with patients
Avoid contamination of food and drinking water by materials that transmit the virus
Keeping the environment clean
Examine the person who will become blood donors
Giving gamma globulin or vaccination
Sterilize medical equipment and household appliances.
o. rabies (hydrophobia)
Rabies is a condition caused by infection with rabies virus. This virus live and reproduce only in nerve tissue. The virus enters the body through open wounds or skin abrasions contaminated saliva of animals suffering from rabies. The main source of infection adalh dog. There are also other warm-blooded animals, especially carnivores. Bats can also be a source of infection. If someone has a dog bite, he should clean up traces of dog saliva from the skin around the bite. How to clean with soap, then give hidrokhorida or concentrated solution of nitric acid.
Prevention efforts are:
Vaccinate their dogs, carnivorous animals
Quarantining a dog that came from areas not free of rabies.
p. Panu (Tinea versicolor)
Panu is a type of skin disease caused by a fungus. Transmission of the disease can result from direct contact with patients or through clothing, bedding, and towels. The main symptom is white patches infinite, delicate flaky, and can spread throughout the body. In general, the white spots are not itchy. Prevention of this disease can be done by labeling individual hygiene, avoid direct patient contact, and to avoid the use of sleeping equipment, toiletries, and clothing tinea versicolor patients.
3. Ways Prevention of Communicable Diseases in General
a. Enhance the value of health.
Reached by way of the business of health (hygiene) individual and business environmental health (sanitation).
b. Gives vaccination / immunization
It is the body's attempt to immunization. There are two kinds, namely:
Active immunization, the vaccine by inserting (seedling disease that has weakened), so that the body will be forced to make antibodies. For example, the vaccine BCG, DPT, measles, and hepatitis.
Passive immunization, which include serum that contains antibodies. For example, the provision of ATS (Anti Tetanus Serum).
c. periodic health examination
An effort to prevent the emergence or spread of a disease, so that outbreaks can be detected as early as possible. In this way, people can get a regular briefing on health care, treatment of disease, enhancing the business value of health, and vaccination.
In addition to the above, a healthy lifestyle is the most important way to prevent the disease.
To get a better quality of life to avoid the disease there are several ways, including:
1. Clean air, healthy lungs were
To avoid respiratory distress, breathe clean and healthy air. You do not need to bother looking pegungungan air, the morning air is very good for your lungs. Also avoid too polluted air, such as cigarette smoke, fumes or dust. Clean the house and work space on a regular basis, including furniture, fans and air conditioning.
2. Drink plenty of water
Water is the best of any drink. Get used to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. This habit will help maintain the smooth functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract. Strive to drink warm at night and cool water (not ice water) in the afternoon. Also add a little lemon or lime juice. In addition to good freshen up, drink it and help remove toxins from the body.
3. Consumption of nutritious and balanced
Choose a menu with nutrition, balanced, and varied. Increase consumption of green vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber and nutrients that the body needs fiber. Avoid junk food and processed foods, and reduce consumption of salt and sugar. One more thing, do not forget breakfast! Because breakfast can support our activities throughout the day.
4. Balance between work, exercise and rest
Working hard without a break is absolutely no benefit to you. Get used to break regularly 7-8 hours at night, and do not often stay up or sleep too late. Try to use leisure time for exercise lightly or just relaxes muscles joints. By exercising 2-3 times per week, for 30-45 minutes, just to make the body fit and stamina.
5. Control of brain
The brain, like the body, he needs a rest. Do not give too much weight, because the brain also has a limited memory. Perform leisure activities that make the brain work more relaxed, eg doing a fun hobby, such as painting, reading the latest novel or just listening to music.
6. Go live in harmony
Man is a microcosm of the macrocosm of nature must follow if he wants to stay healthy. Use common sense, that's the key, do not risk your life by indulging pleasure themselves through poor lifestyle habits and risk. For example, drinking, smoking or using illegal drugs. Try to live in harmony, as much as possible minimize the risk of psychological or emotional stress.
7. Use of nutritional supplements
Only if necessary, our bodies need antioxidants (beta-carotene), vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium. All substances needed by the body to increase vitality and prolong life expectancy. To obtain a lot of ways you can do.
In addition to fresh foods, can also consume a lot of health supplements on the market. Instead, use more dietary supplements is recommended as an alternative therapy with emphasis on types of dietary supplements that have been researched and useful.
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